Monday, August 30, 2010

The House in Grosvenor Square Ties for Second Place!

This past month (July) I went down to Orlando to attend the Award Ceremony of the Faith, Hope and Love Chapter of the Romance Writers of America. They were announcing the winners of the IRCC (Inspirational Reader's Choice Contest) of which my second book, THE HOUSE IN GROSVENOR SQUARE, was a finalist.

I was pleased and proud to walk away having tied for second place in the Long Historical Category. That's me in the middle below, with two of my sisters who were so excited that they joined me in Florida for the event. Sweet! We had a wonderful time together.

Finaling in a contest is a nice shot in the arm for a writer. Finaling in a national organization's contest is even more encouraging. Got any contest news? Send it here and I'll post it. There are numerous contests going on at any point in time, and for both published and unpublished writers.

Now that we're heading into fall, I look forward to entering my 2010 title into a few good contests (THE COUNTRY HOUSE COURTSHIP).

What about you? : )


Melanie Dickerson said...

Hey, Linore! Congrats again on this honor! I am so excited about entered The Healer's Apprentice in some contests. I've been having contest withdrawals ever since I had to stop entering unpublished author contests!

Linore Rose Burkard, Novelist said...

Thank you.
And, I think it's wonderful that you "had" to stop entering unpublished contests, because that means you are now a published AUTHOR! Congratulations to you, my friend! I'm looking forward to holing a copy of your book in my hands. It's going to make a great gift for YAs I know, too.
Thanks for stopping by. : )