Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Is Modesty Making a Comeback?

An article I read this morning states that modesty is making a comeback.

Women are tired of having to choose between "frumpy" and "Desperate Housewives" (read: slutty). New fashion designers are hearing the call, designing clothes that are actually meant to be elegant and tasteful while offering modesty. Can you imagine? (I might be able to shop in the Junior Departments of major clothing chains for my daughters again!)

I know from speaking to lots of women that this is a trend girls and moms are just waiting to see happen. As the article points out, "
young women who would rather cover up more have trouble finding stylish clothes that work for them."

In The Swimsuit Club, it's true that Sharona Davidson leaves a modeling career and becomes a writer instead. Becky (if you saw her post yesterday, you'll know this) wonders why, but the truth is, Sharona has that long-forgotten virtue known as modesty.

Is she a prude? No way! Anyone who listens to her thoughts as the book moves along, and witnesses what she does, will know that soon enough. But she is uncomfortable posing for the camera in lingerie--a thing most fashion models do routinely. She was also not happy finding herself having to subsist on rabbit food and supplements to look skinny enough for the job--
and then portraying that as if it were normal. Have you seen how some models truly look frail? As if a good wind could send them wafting off into the air at any moment...

Skinny models do not represent an average woman!

If you are a fashion model and want to add a comment on your own experience, whether it supports what I'm saying or not, please do. We'd all love to hear from you.

Read the full article Here

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